Saturday, August 28, 2010


最近都没什么上网了 就算酒店有WiFi 就算电话能上网
好像跟所有熟悉的朋友都断了一个大截 好陌生的说 :(
自己的facebook没有丁点的update 别人的脚步却快的我跟不上了
哎哟哟 有时候对这个internship有点纳闷 = =
咳 下个月中开始我会恢复正常的 :D

看了看朋友的update、照片、留言 跟自己相比起来 我好像真的落伍了
让我发泄发泄一下自己的心情 你说好不好?

嗯, 好的! =D

我好想 出国旅行 跟我的男人全地球走透透
我好想 逛街消费 衣服裤子裙子高跟鞋样样买
我好想 山珍海味 所有没吃过的东西我都要
我好想 赶快毕业 靠自己双手养活自己照顾自己

真的好想做我想做的事情 被束缚的感觉真的是他妈的不好受 / ~ \

现在正在实习我的最后一个department  - Front Office
我最不喜欢的一个部门 每天上班就只是光等那8个小时
你奶奶的  浪费我的时间
再加上跟那些自以为了不起的家伙 一起工作 那些日子真的很难熬
我领悟了一个道理 那就是: 不是每个人的八字都能合得来的!!
就是因为那些无聊的人 害我还要哭着打电话去college求救 丢脸死了
今天是我的off day 明天也是 希望星期一回到去上班《那件》事情可以就这样告一段落
不然我不干了!! 呜呜 我忍受不到无辜被人家欺负
他妈的 我不是盖的  > O <


T. T

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Firstly, happy belated b'day for myself :D
my laptop officially spoiled ady. so i got no laptop to on9.
that's why now i only wish myself =.=

Adui!time really go pretty fast.
my b'day again.
sometimes, i really not willing to have my b'day for each year.
because i still cant accept that i had ady 19 years old right now.
gosh! horrible seriously. next year coming, which mean my age gonna to start by "2" ady.T.T
can the time come a bit slowly?.. = =

ok now. stop the bad, start the good thingssss :)

this is before, when i still keep the long long hair.
this is after, i cut my long hair into half ady > , <

yea,the b'day gift i had given myself was just cut off my bored long hair.
the long hair was very nice but then it also bring a lot of troublesome into my training.
ppl like to try somethings new wat :D so that i dare to cut it off.
admire myself deeply XD

n then i wanna to thanks my boy to accompany me whole day during my day :)
thanks for everythings that u had gift me,i will appreciate it n honestly i'm touched by you that day =)
sorry for cheated u, actually u given me 100% of happy,but i just told u 60%. kaka!
thousand of word can't describe by typing word, tell you next time when we meet each other again.
miss you! my bibi :3
with my boy <3
we went to Kenny Rogers to celebrate my day :D
my cake <3
n my 1st gift  =) other gift coming soon. XD

thanks once again to my babe =D!
n thanks to everyone who wish me n remember my b'day as well!!
hope my life of 19th going smoothly n happily.

now change to hsekeeping department ady.
not bad, i like it!! :D