this is the hotel i'm training now.
10 weeks to complete this internship =.=''
actually not long n not short as well
by the way i'm enjoying on it!!
this hotel located by the beach!
what a nice view during evening.
from the beginning,
means now i'm helping banquet department,
still not yet go to my own department
which mean kitchen department.
i'm hoping n waiting my babe come to penang to accompany me for 1 week,
miss him as much as i can't imagine!!
i miss my family as well,
hope them staying with good condition n healthy also!!
i'll take care my self, promised! =D
tomorrow i going to kitchen department,
it's night shift, from 3pm to 11pm.
i think the time that i work will pass easy,
because it's kitchen what!!
but it will be very tired n it's the way to make me faster to fall asleep!
not bad what!!
going to offline!
to be continue~
my muimui,
i miss u so much!!♥
趙筱婷terrifields汪華昕: 随时欢迎! =)